How to Start Event Blogging in 2024? [Step by Step Guide]

Hi, Blogger! Here is Ankit! Today, In This Article, I will guide you on How To start event blogging In 2024 and also Provide Step by Step Guide About How to Create an Event Blog in 2024?

This is a beginner’s guide to make money with event blogging. Event blogging has been getting a lot of attention nowadays. This is a way of getting massive traffic and earning a lot of money within a week. Most of the event bloggers earn around $10,000 within a week. This is more than the full-time income of many small bloggers.

Event Blogging has a lot of earning potential, which makes it so popular among people. If you are planning to start event blogging, we are here to help you with our detailed guide to making money with event blogging. First of all, let us actually talk about what is event blogging?

Is Event Blogging Dead in 2024?

The answer is No,

Basically, Event Blogging is a Sub Niche of Blogging, So event blogging isn’t going to die.

At this time Event Blogging is one of the trending Blogging techniques to make money online, Within less duration Time.

Like In Event Blogging, we Focused on Upcoming Special Event Like Diwali, Christmas…

Rather than other blogs, Event Blogging is not a long-term Strategies, and you just have to work Within 25 to 40 days. and blogger can Earn Lots of revenue in a Short period of time.

What is Event Blogging?

Event Blogging is a blog where your motive is to focus on a particular event to attract massive traffic to your blog. These types of bloggers only create content related to their targeted event and make it ready to rank on google before the event arrives.

As an event blogger, you could target any type of event like holidays, festivals, national days, etc. For example, one of the most targeted events by event bloggers is Black Friday.

Black Friday is a shopping day where many stores offer huge discounts. Event Bloggers take huge advantage of this event and promote various products on their event blog.

How to Start an Event Blog in 2023 [10 Easy Steps]

Starting an event blog In 2023 is so simple. This can be explained in few simple steps. Below is a complete step-by-step guide to starting event blogging.

In this tutorial, we’ll cover the:-

Step 1: Choose an Event

Step number one to start event blogging is choosing the right event. There are various events all over the globe that you can focus on. Choosing the right one can give you more earnings.

You can use google trend or other paid tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to find which event has the highest search volume. However, more traffic doesn’t mean more profit; the traffic quality matters a lot.

Therefore, I will recommend you select an event where you can promote products to your visitors. This will help you increase your revenue with event blogging.

Event Blog Topic & Examples

  1. New Year
  2. Christmas
  3. Black Friday
  4. Women’s Day
  5. Mother’s Day
  6. FIFA World Cup
  7. Diwali
  8. Exam Results
  9. Durga Puja
  10. Holi
  11. Raksha Bandhan

Step 2: Start your Event blog


Starting a blog is easy and simple. The exciting part is you don’t need to spend a lot of money.

The cheapest way to start a blog is using Bluehost’s hosting and, which is free to use CMS application.

To start your blog, first, you will have to buy hosting. We recommend you to use Bluehost, which is easy to use and provides complete value for money. If using Bluehost for hosting, you will also have a free domain name for one year.

Once you have bought the hosting from Bluehost, you can select a free domain name for your event blog. Choose a name that is related to your targeted event. For example, if your targeted event is Black Friday, your domain name should be something like “”. This will help you rank higher on google.

After getting your domain name, install a theme on your blog. You can also Check out Best WordPress Themes like OceanWP or Astra. After this, your blog is ready for content writing. Here comes the next step.

Step 3: Keyword Research For Event Blogging

When you have started your blog, keyword research is important to understand which keyword performs well for your event. Keyword research helps you identify the popular keywords people are searching related to your targeted niche or event.

Now, when you know what people are searching for related to your targeted event, you can create content around those keywords. Keyword Research can also help you find hidden longtail keywords that most of your competitors don’t focus on.

Some of the best keyword research tools are Ahrefs, SEMrush, Longtail pro, Ubersuggest, etc. To do keyword research, go to any of the keyword research tools mentioned above and enter a broad keyword related to your targeted event. For example, if your targeted event is Black Friday enter “Black Friday Deals” in any keyword research tool.

As you can see above, you now have various keywords suggest by the keyword research tool related to your targeted event. You can also see metrics like search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC (Cost Per Click), etc. This helps you understand if the keyword is a perfect fit for your blog or not.

Select few keywords according to your need to write content on your blog. Once you are done selecting keywords, it’s time to move towards our next step of starting an event blogging.

Step 4: Pick A Domain For Event

After Selected the Niched of Event Blogging, then you need to buy Top Level Domain name, Which is relevant to your Event Niche,

And Make Sure that the Event Keyword is Included In your Domain name.

Keyword In Domain name helps to rank and Improve your Click-through rate (CTR) In search results.

Pro Tips:- if your target any particular Geographical region then you can buy Country target domain name,

Like If you want to Create an Event Blog for targeting Indian Community then You can preferable .in Domain Extension, Which helps to rank easily in targeted Country

Step 5: Write Good Quality Content 

Writing quality content is really important. You might have heard content is king. No matter how well you have designed your blog at the end of the day, the content you write drives traffic to your blog. Below are some of the tips to write content on your blog.

  • Write attractive heading to attract more clicks on the search engine result page.
  • Content on your blog should be engaging and easy to understand. We recommend you use subheadings and shorter paragraphs.
  • Make your content easy to skippable. Nobody likes to read lengthy paragraphs.
  • Add list points just like this one. This highlights the important points.
  • Try to add high-quality visuals like images and videos.
  • Do good research before writing content.

Step 6: Build backlinks For Event Blog

A Dofollow backlink is one of the most important ranking factors. You have spent a lot of time doing keyword research and writing content, but what if your blog doesn’t get rank on google? This will end up with no traffic to your blog, which means no profit.

Therefore, building backlinks is an important part of starting event blogging. Below are some of the ways to build backlinks.

Writing Guest Post 

A guest post is a blog or article written by you to post on someone’s website. When you write content for other website owners, you can add a link to one of your articles in the guest post. Guest Post is one of the popular ways to build Edu backlinks.

Check out this 300+ free guest posting site list to publish your guest post.

1). Become a Source for Reporters 

You can join HARO (Help A Reporter) to build backlinks to your even blog. HARO is a platform that connects journalists to the source. Journalists are always looking for someone who can help them with their upcoming articles. If your provided research is helpful for them, they will leave a link to your website.

2).Use Infographics

Most people don’t want to waste their time creating infographics. People prefer to use infographics and leave a link to the creator who has made the infographic as a credit. Some of the free infographic submissions sites are listed below

  1. Pinterest
  2. Reddit
  4. Daily Infographic

These are some of the ways to build backlinks for event blogging.

Step 7: Monetize your Event Blog

Once your event blog is completely set and ready to rank on Google, it’s time to monetize your blog. This will help you earn some money from your visitors. Some of the popular ways to monetize event blogs are listed below.

These are some of the ways to earn money event blogging.

1).Display Ads

A display ad is one of the most popular ways of monetizing event blogs. You can use Google AdSense to monetize your blog with display ads. To get your event blog to monetize with google AdSense learn tips and tricks to approve AdSense.

2). Promote affiliate products or services

Promoting affiliate products and services can give you huge profits. For example, bloggers targeting Black Friday earn up to $1000 within a week during the Black Friday sale. You can use platforms like Share a Sale, ClickBank, and CJ to find affiliate products and services to promote on your blog.

Step 8: Promoting your Event Blog 

After setting other various things on your blog, you can channelize some traffic from social media to your blog. You need to share your blog link on top social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. Additionally, you can add a share button on the posts so that people could easily share the links of the post to their social media handle. It will give an initial boost to your post and help in ranking your profile. If your blog has great offers and discount deals your post can really become viral and can bring immense traffic to your blog.

1). Making Post Viral

By having unbelievable deals or discounts your post can become viral. As well as writing about the significance of various festivals can be shared on social media and  you can get good targeted traffic from social media

Step 9: Analysis Of your Event Blog

When the event is over you need to analyze which type of post worked and which didn’t work. The goal that you have set on various keywords has been met or not. So, a good professional blogger learns from mistakes and observes all the factors that are affecting traffic on the blog. You can use google analytics to learn about all the factors. It will improve your experience which you can definitely use in the upcoming events to earn more money in a shorter period of time.

Step 10: Final Thoughts About Event Blogging

This post has all the information that you need to set up an event blog and earn huge money quickly through blogging. I hope this blog convinced you to try event blogging soon. Event blogging is a hot trending thing in the blogging field you should try once in your blogging journey.

The best part of event blogging is that you get to see the results of your hard work in a very short span of time. Follow all the steps mentioned in the blogs perfectly to get a good earning in the upcoming event. If you have any other doubts or confusion regarding any steps on this topic you can write in the comment section.


Congratulation!!! Successfully You have Created the First Event Blog In 2024

I hope this article is very useful For newbie and Beginner Blogger also help to start an Event blog and make a presence on the online journey

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  1. Tecy360 June 29, 2021

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