How To Start a Travel Blog In 2024 [Travel Blogging Guide for Beginners]

Hi Viewers, if you’re planning to start a travel blog in 2024 then in this article I’ll provide you Step by Step process on, How To Start a Travel Blog In 2024 and become a pro. After reading this blog post, I can assure you that you can start travel blogging without any difficulties.


Why do you Want to Start a travel blog?

I have been traveling for a long time, let’s say truly then it’s over two decades, and been to many places and finally found my love in the smell of the breeze on one of the hilltops in Yercaud, Salem, TamilNadu, India.

Now I started to feel something different in myself and thought why not give a chance to live my passion. Then one important thing struck my mind that how will I arrange money to carry on my expenses for upcoming tours.

This was the time, idea of travel blogging was introduced to me through one of the persons that is been shown on my Instagram suggestion. I followed the account immediately and started to search about it over the web. 

what is travel blogging? The deep research from all over the internet has been consolidated in this article. where you will find all the information like. how to pursue traveling as a career, make money to travel to a new place, etc.

So, I started with this, The things you need to know before you start travel blogging in India?

  1. The thirst to visit a new place.
  2. To meet the people living in a different place and experience their way of living.
  3. To capture your travel experiences and share them with the world.
  4. To know the story, history of/behind the place.
  5. Earn Money while you travel.
  6. To learn new things like WordPress, Content Writing, Video Editing, etc.
  7. To meet new companions, friends to enhance the experience.

After you find one of your purposes, then let us move on to the step that you have been waiting i.e.

How to Start a Travel Blog In 2024 [8 Easy Step]

Here are 8 easy Steps to Know Before You Start a Travel Blog:-

  • Step 1: Analyzing & Understand the Travel Blog Niche
  • Step 2: Pick Your Travel Blog Name
  • Step3: Purchase A Host For Website
  • Step4: Setting Up Your WordPress Website
  • Step5: Select an Attention-Grabbing Theme
  • Step6: Installing Important Plugins to Your WordPress Blog
  • Step7: Starting With Your First Blog
  • Step8: Monetize Your Travel Blog And Earn Money

Ready? Let’s Get Started

Step 1: Analyzing & Understand the Travel Blog Niche

Analyzing & Understand the Travel Blog Niche

You can travel first then start writing your blog but will do you get any readers? This is the question.

Then one more question should arise in your mind. How even people are going to view your blog on the internet because there are approximately [1,000,00,000] blogs over it and if we filter it for travel blogs then there may be hundreds or thousands but less than a million.

But it will still be hard that people will read your blog. So, start customizing your thought process before writing your blog.

These are Some varieties of travel: –

  1. Solo Travel
  2. Village Travel
  3. City Travel
  4. Adventure Travel
  5. Family Travel
  6. Heritage/Cultural Travel
  7. Vegan Travel
  8. Budget Travel
  9. Country Travel

Now since you have these many options. Then you can write about one of the multiple niches of travel. But select it accordingly to fit your travel niches. As well as you can focus on new places, where no one has traveled. In this way, you can review the unique places and rank top on google search, and get a lot of visitors to your blog. 

Tip: – Never try to make extra things up too much that will make your blog fictional for the readers.

check out the Profitable blog niche Ideas which helps to Find your Own blog Niches

Step 2: Pick Your Travel Blog Name

Pick Your Travel Blog Name

Naming the Blog is one of the most important because it will be the face or the frontline of your blog that everyone remembers and share with others.

Now select a name like asoulwindow (blogger-Abhinav Singh) or travel-rewrite (blogger-Archana Singh) or any other but remember the thing it should contain a simple meaning and people could spell it simply so that it will be easy to remember.

Also, avoid usage of common words like the wanderer, backpacker, voyager that will make your website lost in with other websites over the internet, and then it will be hard for readers to access it.

Then once you choose your blog name check for its availability on the internet. If it is already there, you need some amendments or probably think of another one.

But do not add any numbers as this will make it a version of the other one this will be one to bring down the originality of the blog in readers’ mindset.

If you could not think of any great names there are various tools over the internet. You can put keywords and phrases in the tool and get the names generated through those tools.

Simply, you can get ideas from these names for a unique name on which you can find a domain name available. Sometimes this could be a tedious task but hold on as your name is going to be your brand name. It will create impression on people’s minds. so, wait and think of a catchy name.

Step3: Purchase A Host For Website

Purchase A Host For Website

After selecting a name for your travel blog then you must visit a domain-providing website like  or or many others just type on the search engine that’s how you get a self-hosted website on the internet.

Here, you might be thinking why I am asking you right away to purchase a hosting domain but see it’s a condition of now or never if you really want to start a travel blog this is the minimum you need to spend

So that your blog can have a good rating and will be able to show up on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Also, there are monthly and yearly packages to purchase a domain that will be around 80-120 Rs per month.

So try to choose the Best WordPress hosting provider for your Travel Blog.

Here Hosting basically means that some dealers will rent up space or identity to your website on the internet. Here you can store all designs, images, datasets, files, etc.

The files of your website will be stored on the shared hosting servers. It will be served to users who request to be on your website.

There are two types of website hosting i.e. Linux web hosting and managed WordPress hosting. Linux hosting has many options in it and you can edit various options by yourself.

But if you don’t want many options and don’t want to do things technically then managed WordPress hosting.

You can refer to our other blogs for having better knowledge while choosing the best hosting for your website. There are various plans but if you will choose a plan for a longer period the cost will be relatively lower.

Tip: – Here self-hosted website will provide you more viewers as compared to the free hosted website (like WordPress, GitHub, etc)

Step4: Setting Up Your WordPress Website

Setting Up Your WordPress Website

Once you are done with buying the domain & hosting then you must ensure that your domain’s name server is pointed to Hosting Provider for you to get a Live website and also access the WordPress dashboard.

From your cPanel, you can install WordPress. WordPress is the most popular blogging content management system. Which makes your blogging journey easy.

Now Install WordPress on your blog and follow the following steps: –

  • Choose the version of WordPress you want to install. Recommended the latest version.
  • Choose a protocol for your website e.g., HTTPS, HTTP, etc.
  • In Choose domain select your website on which you want to install WordPress.
  • In the Site Settings section, you will need to enter a Site Name and Site Description. This can be whatever you want and can be changed after the installation.
  • Then enter details in the admin sections such as Username, Password, and Email.
  • Now select a theme for your website. By default, there are many free themes on WordPress but there is always an option to select the paid or premium themes if you were not liking anyone from the free one. One more thing a premium theme gives us more customization.
  • Design your logo for the website. For example, you can use to design the logo, and it’s free if you have your images.

Note: – There is never an end to understand more about WordPress it has amazing features so discover some of them on your there are possibly many YouTube videos as well as documentation to get aware of them. Just deep dive in it and master it as usage comes up.

Step5: Select an Attention-Grabbing Theme

After Setup WordPress, Now It’s time to select a good theme according to the travel blog niche.

In WordPress repository have millions theme are available for WordPress blog

Don’t go with any random theme as there may be various security vulnerabilities or those themes wouldn’t Update frequently & Not as mobile-friendly.

My Suggestion is Generate Press is one the Best WordPress theme in this era, which provides you a variety of options for customization according to the blog niche.

I’m personally using Generate Press on my blog here at AnkitBlog. my experience Say that this theme is almost as powerful as other premium themes.

I highly recommended you to go ahead with GeneratePress Review 

Now you start a travel blog, So you can go for a free version of both the theme, Later when you start making money then you can invest in the pro or Primum version of the theme.

After Selecting a theme you can go to WordPress DashBoard and apply the theme to your blog.

here is the Setup you follow when you apply the theme on WordPress Blog

👉 Login WordPress Admin Dashboard

👉Tab to Appearance Section

👉Appearance >> Theme>> Add New >> Select >> Install



Step6: Installing Important Plugins to Your WordPress Blog

Installing Important Plugins to Your WordPress Blog

Plugins are nothing but a kind of extension similar to the browsers to make some of the things in our favor for using it more smoothly.

Go to and you will find a place to select called Plugins and click on that then start searching for Plugins.

Since there are over 52000 Plugins on WordPress but you need only the ones you need. So, let’s directly get to know these.

Note: – Installing more plugins will slow down your website so Install only Necessary Plugin According to your need for a blog

Here Is the Setup you need to follow when you installing Plugins On WordPress Blog

👉 Login WordPress Admin Dashboard

👉 Tab On Plugins Section

👉 Plugins >> Add New >> Select >> Install

Add Important Plugins to Your WordPress Blog

Here is a list of the Best WordPress Plugins that must have Install in your WordPress Blog:-

  1. Jetpack by WordPress: This is a Plugin containing more than one function, which saves more memory for your website. It has many tools that will help you design your own site, track statistics, social sharing, and prevent an attack like spam and data loss.
  2. Yoast SEO:- This Plugin will help your website to rank on the search engines. It allows you to select a keyword and optimize your page around it.
  3. Akismet Anti-Spam:-This is the site that will help you the most with Spam. (Must have)It will also remove comments spam which clogs up your site and readers’ experience gets ruined.
  4. WP Super Cache:- It is one of the Best WordPress caching plugins that can increase your Site’s speed or improve your ranking, Content takes a long time to load an entire web page from scratch so why not give a bit of temporary memory to the users’ browser of your so user and that is what the cache does here. It will provide a smoother entry for users or readers every time they visit your website.
  5. Google XML Sitemaps:- It indexes your website on search engines and to do this effectively, search engines need a sitemap that will help search engines crawl and index your site properly. It creates a dynamic sitemap of your Website which is compatible with Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  6. WinForms:– It will create a contact form on your website to help them get in contact with you. It is quite user-friendly even you can get a template for the contact-form creation.
  7. Social Media Plugins (Optional):- Nowadays, social media have really been a lot more than just a platform to showcase yourself. It is now has become the advertisement center of what thing you do and how you do it. Believe it or not, people nowadays get more interested in that kind of information.

Step7: Starting With Your First Blog

Starting With Your First Blog

Everything we have done so far is incomplete without this step you take next. First, here is what “content you put on the blog matters most”.

Because as per the saying ‘content is the king’ in this era of blogging. You must first create a rough idea of content on your mind and recollect your travel and experience memories to put them in a proper structure.

Adding on the new blog in a week or two will be advisable. For example, you can split your trips into multiple parts so you will always have something to put on your blog and keep updating it. But always maintain quality of content than quantity of content.

Always try to add something that will help your readers to learn or to get entertained by something. So that will keep coming over and over to your blog.



  1. Start creating your presence over the internet and then the best way to expose your blog whereabouts and to do so start sharing on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  2. Also, nowadays making videos of travels and adding them on YouTube, and sharing the same on your blog. (Surely helps you get a new audience)

Step8: Monetize Your Travel Blog And Earn Money

Monetize Your Travel Blog And Earn Money

Making money is incomplete or I will say too difficult without building up the Audience. So, I will ask you to go through the last steps and tips warily that will surely guide you to the most basic way to build the audience.

Why does important to Build-Up the Audience?

To completely understand this there is Web development term known as traffic which clearly relates to the number of people who visit your website.

This you can do easily in earlier days but now with nurturing era of blogging there is also a record of how much time User’s stay on your blog on which terminals or options they click on your travel blog, and this all makes up statistical analytics for your blog.

This statistical analysis of the blog helps you know that if there is any need for improvement, you need to with your blog to increase audience engagement and will surely help increase money in your pockets and trust you build you with the people following and learning from you.

By Moving on forward to make money after building up the audience. So, these are few ideas to make online Money and we are going to discuss them in detail: –

  1. Google Adsense
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Making Up Merchandise (Future Option)
  4. Provide Travel Guidance Services


1). Google Adsense

In simple terms, Google Adsense is Google’s way of introducing advertisement on your website. It basically matches ads for your website based on the content and no. of visitors viewing it.

For a more detailed overview, you can read this: –

There are different prices for different ads and their prices also vary. These ads are created by advertisers who wish to promote their merchandise or products on your site.

So, after finishing up your blog sign up for an account on Google Adsense. Then connect your site with Google Adsense and then google starts serving ads on your website. Then Google pays you for the users’ clicks on the site, type of ad, and impression of users on them.

Note:- If you face any difficulties to approve google Adsense then check Out this link post Google Adsense Approval Trick

2). Affiliate Marketing Technique

Affiliate marketing is generally helping other sellers to advertise their products on the website and if anybody purchases them by clicking them on your website then you will be eligible to get a commission from the sellers.

Now you might think how this is different from Google Adsense. Let us break it to a simple point where Google Adsense basically puts ads automatically on your site based on users and content but in affiliate marketing, these can be customized.

Now understand this thing with an example of Amazon Associate Program in which they are putting their products on your site and if anyone purchases and you will get commissions for that product and moreover it is a completely free program and steps are very easy to register.

Then Quickly go and open an amazon associate account.

3). Making up self-merchandise

You might see above I have marked it as a future option because building on your merchandise is possible for those who have earned a lot and thinking of expanding their website or blog to earn more money. So, it will be a long-term solution for your money problems.

For this, you will have to make the logo or website on the products like shirts, t-shirts, pants, and many others. Also, you can promote them on your website, and you can make an e-kart option on your website to purchase it and you have been thinking now how these will reach your customers for this issue like another issue simple solution exists. So, there are many shipping companies to collaborate and get your item shipped.

So, you need to collaborate with the shipping companies like Ecom Express, Bluedart, FedEx, etc.

Also, there is one more efficient method that exists for this you can create your account on platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc., and put your products and pricing and it will take care of the rest steps.

4). Provide Travel Guidance Services

Guidance or mentorship is needed by millions of travelers around the world. As a Travel Blogger Convert this Opportunity into making money.

So you can start the personal counseling related to traveling, What difficulties you face during traveling.

Accordingly, you can take fees or Charge for a session.

Providing a travel guidance method does not require much of the initial investment because you have already a target audience related to a travel blog and then you convert your audience into a profitable client.

Hope you will make more money while traveling now to plan your upcoming travel destinations without financial stress.

FAQ Related To How To Start A Travel Blog In 2021

Yes, for sure it is worth starting a travel blog in even though the competition is more compare to last 5-10 years everything depends on how you express your experience and moreover how much you enjoy it.
It is definitely possible that you can write a travel blog without actually being to the place, just you need to do some research on the place, hear others' experiences and apply the creativity at your end.
Definitely, you can start a travel blogging mentioning your older trips but for that, you should be able to recollect the events that took place in the trips and embrace it.
There are many ways in which you can get paid for writing blogs such as add your blog to Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, and Social media marketing. For more details, you can go through the Making Money Online Part of this blog
It is possible that you can make it a career by putting up hard work in blogging and digital marketing. Most important is that you should like what you do. If you are passionate about it will be good for your career.

Wrapping Up

Congratulation!!! Successfully You have Created on First Travel Blog In 2024!!!

I hope this article is very useful For newbie and Beginner Travel Blogger also help to Start a Travel Blog in 2024 and make a presence on the online journey, According to us, this is the complete guide on How To Start a Travel Blog In 2024.

We can share your suggestions and questions with us through the comment box below of this post.

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  1. lanyards July 2, 2021
    • Shivanshu Shukla July 25, 2021

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